A вдруг я буду лететь, да и пролечу всю землю насквозь и окажусь среди этих, ну которые на головах ходят...
Звездец, прочитала последние новости из Техаса с расстрелом детей из начальной школы.
This year, 213 mass shootings, defined as incidents in which at least four people were shot or killed, have already occurred in America, according to the Gun Violence Archive. In 2021, 692 mass shootings were recorded, in comparison to 610 over the course of 2020.
Какого хрена?.. хорошо что мы живем в Зеландии.
This year, 213 mass shootings, defined as incidents in which at least four people were shot or killed, have already occurred in America, according to the Gun Violence Archive. In 2021, 692 mass shootings were recorded, in comparison to 610 over the course of 2020.
Какого хрена?.. хорошо что мы живем в Зеландии.