A вдруг я буду лететь, да и пролечу всю землю насквозь и окажусь среди этих, ну которые на головах ходят...
Ева упорно ложится в 12. Я к 10ти каждый вечер никакая. То есть если до 10, я ещё держусь, после мне жить не хочется, хочется лечь и помереть, но кто же мне даст. А она к вечеру гиперактивная становится. А после 12ти я стандартно не могу уснуть.
A British research study shows that three times as many children with ADHD have difficulty falling or staying asleep, and 57 percent of their parents slept less than six hours.
There’s a biological reason why children with ADHD tend to sleep less: Many of the same regions of the brain regulate both attention and sleep. A child who has attention problems is likely to have sleep problems, as well.
Accept the fact that your child may need less sleep than other kids his age. If you put him to bed too early, there’s a chance that he’ll just lie there, wide awake, becoming increasingly anxious.
But there are ADHD-friendly strategies to help kids overcome their sleep problems.
The problem is, these strategies are NOT adhd friendly. They require discipline and consistency — the very things adhd parents struggle with the most. Things I struggle with when I’m in my best shape. Things that are simply impossible for me when I’m perpetually exhausted. What do you do?
A British research study shows that three times as many children with ADHD have difficulty falling or staying asleep, and 57 percent of their parents slept less than six hours.
There’s a biological reason why children with ADHD tend to sleep less: Many of the same regions of the brain regulate both attention and sleep. A child who has attention problems is likely to have sleep problems, as well.
Accept the fact that your child may need less sleep than other kids his age. If you put him to bed too early, there’s a chance that he’ll just lie there, wide awake, becoming increasingly anxious.
But there are ADHD-friendly strategies to help kids overcome their sleep problems.
The problem is, these strategies are NOT adhd friendly. They require discipline and consistency — the very things adhd parents struggle with the most. Things I struggle with when I’m in my best shape. Things that are simply impossible for me when I’m perpetually exhausted. What do you do?
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