A вдруг я буду лететь, да и пролечу всю землю насквозь и окажусь среди этих, ну которые на головах ходят...
Мне прошлой ночью страшный сон приснился. Решила превратить его в writing prompt для желающих.
In my dream, I travelled back to Auckland to visit one of my best friends. She took me to a party with lots of strangers where I got very drunk and blanked out.. The following morning, I woke up at my friend’s flat, asked her what happened and immediately regretted it. Apparently things got rowdy and I’ve REALLY embarrassed myself (I’ll leave the details to your imaginations). I didn’t believe her at first (or tried to suppress the flashbacks and pretend it never happened), but then videos started to emerge online (not something I had to live through in my youth). I thought, “That’s it, my life is over. My career is over. How will I ever salvage my reputation?” And then it got worse… It turned out there has been a murder and everyone from the party w
as now a suspect. We were expecting the police to arrive to question us. And given I couldn’t remember a thing, and because of everything else that’s happened, I couldn’t even be sure it wasn’t me.
Writing prompt: What happened next? Who’s the real killer? Can I reconstruct the events of the night to prove my innocence? To solve the murder? Can I face the people I’ve humiliated myself in front of? Do I or my reputation stand a chance at redemption?
Random detail: In the dream, my best friend kept two bats as pets, which was cute at first, but later just added to the nightmarish atmosphere.
In my dream, I travelled back to Auckland to visit one of my best friends. She took me to a party with lots of strangers where I got very drunk and blanked out.. The following morning, I woke up at my friend’s flat, asked her what happened and immediately regretted it. Apparently things got rowdy and I’ve REALLY embarrassed myself (I’ll leave the details to your imaginations). I didn’t believe her at first (or tried to suppress the flashbacks and pretend it never happened), but then videos started to emerge online (not something I had to live through in my youth). I thought, “That’s it, my life is over. My career is over. How will I ever salvage my reputation?” And then it got worse… It turned out there has been a murder and everyone from the party w
as now a suspect. We were expecting the police to arrive to question us. And given I couldn’t remember a thing, and because of everything else that’s happened, I couldn’t even be sure it wasn’t me.
Writing prompt: What happened next? Who’s the real killer? Can I reconstruct the events of the night to prove my innocence? To solve the murder? Can I face the people I’ve humiliated myself in front of? Do I or my reputation stand a chance at redemption?
Random detail: In the dream, my best friend kept two bats as pets, which was cute at first, but later just added to the nightmarish atmosphere.