A вдруг я буду лететь, да и пролечу всю землю насквозь и окажусь среди этих, ну которые на головах ходят...
Я тут читала про Сапфо, древнегреческую поэтессу, gay icon. Про её выдуманного мужа Члена Членовича с острова Мужчин)), и ее стихи (или то немногое что от них осталось.
I have a beautiful daughter
Like a golden flower
My beloved Kleis.
I would not trade her for all Lydia nor lovely...
When you lie dead, no one will remember you
For you have no share in the Muses’ roses.
No, flitting aimlessly about,
You will wildly roam,
a shade amidst the shadowy dead.
Death is an evil.
That’s what the gods think.
Or they would die.
I have a beautiful daughter
Like a golden flower
My beloved Kleis.
I would not trade her for all Lydia nor lovely...
When you lie dead, no one will remember you
For you have no share in the Muses’ roses.
No, flitting aimlessly about,
You will wildly roam,
a shade amidst the shadowy dead.
Death is an evil.
That’s what the gods think.
Or they would die.