Вчера пока я была на работе к Еве и няне приходила проверяющая учительница. Она зарегила нас в такой програмке где няня должна будет добавлять истории про то чему Евочка учится. И мы тоже можем добавлять истории и фотки. И учительница добавила первую историю, очень мило получилось.
читать дальшеZdravstvuyte, Kia ora!
It was nice to visit you today Eva and meet Lana and Igor, your baba and deda who are visiting from Russia for a month. Sadly they are heading home next week and by observing the lovely bond you have formed with them, I am sure you will miss them as much as they will miss you.
Today was my first visit. My name is Robyn and I am your Home Grown Kids Visiting Teacher. I look forward to visiting you each month and getting to know you.
Emma has also just started with you and while this has overlapped with the visit from your grandparents, she has been able to gently take a "back seat", observe and allow you to become confident with engaging with her.
From watching mama and baba, she is learning your routine. Eva, you and Emma will begin to have one-to-one interactions which are intimate and sociable. Through these interactions, your relationship will grow and develop.
Today at my visit, the longer I stayed, the more confident you became. You would smile at us as you walked past, guiding baba in circles, around and around the house. Emma talked about attachment theory and how she knows to talk with you about everything that you are doing, eg "I'm going to change your nappy now" She knows that you like to be rocked to sleep, as this is what mama and papa do.
Mama has written some Russian words in the diary, so that Emma is familiar with them when you say them. Such as da / yes, net / no, dai / give me and um / to eat. Emma will learn Russian and you will hear and learn English!
Eva, I look forward to seeing you again soon.