для себя про СДВГ
Research confirms that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) commonly co-occurs with other conditions. In fact, we might say this is the rule rather than the exception. As many as 80% of adults with ADHD have at least one co-existing psychiatric disorder, while approximately 60% of children with ADHD have at least one co-occurring condition.
For patients with attention deficit, a mental health diagnosis almost always includes an ADHD comorbidity as well — autism spectrum disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and other conditions.
While many disorders can co-occur with ADHD, six show up most often:
Generalized anxiety disorder
Bipolar disorder
Autism spectrum disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
The knack in ADHD-bipolar cases is to tightly integrate medication management and psychotherapy to keep up with and respond to the changes in personality, emotional state, and brain chemistry that come with any serious mood disorder. Staying attuned to those tides is the most important job for client, therapist, prescriber, and family. Whenever we use a stimulant in such cases, we start off with low doses, and see the client weekly for medication evaluation and therapy during the first month or two of treatment, then adjust the protocol slowly. We carefully increase the dosage, and introduce, or alter, mood-stabilizing medications as necessary.
Some patients with ASD-ADD have significant mood fluctuation and emotional breakdowns, particularly when external events overwhelm them. Some providers mistake mood swings for anxiety, and treat them as such, which serves to increase, rather than decrease, irritability.
Mood dysregulation can be as problematic for those with ASD as it is for those with bipolar disorder. In fact, stimulants can be so irritating to people with ASD that, at one time, it was recommended that doctors forgo them. Yet we find, time and again, that the correct combination of stimulants and mood stabilizers improves client functioning. Like bipolar clients, ASD-ADD clients may do well with mood stabilizers plus a slow, careful, and well-integrated treatment plan.
Untreated ADHD Can Lead to Trauma. Traumatic stress and ADHD are connected — each worsening the symptoms of the other.
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