Прочитала вот про Latent Inhibition.
Это теория что человеческий (и не только) мозг блокирует часть полученной информации что бы не сойти с ума. Например шум на заднем плане, или просто какую-то инфо не имеющую прямого отношения к тому чем он занимается. У некоторых людей это возможность блокировать инфо понижена, что приводит к сенсорному перегрузу, проблемам с концентрацией, и выливается либо в психоз либо в творчество, либо в то и другое, в зависимости от интеллекта.
Low latent inhibition
Most people are able to ignore the constant stream of incoming stimuli, but this capability is reduced in those with low latent inhibition. Low latent inhibition (that may resemble hyper-activity, hypomania, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in early decades of the individual life) seems to often correlate with distracted behaviors.[11] This distractedness can manifest itself as general inattentiveness, a tendency to switch subjects without warning in conversation, and other absentminded habits. This is not to say that all distractedness can be explained by low latent inhibition, nor does it necessarily follow that people with low LI will have a hard time paying attention. It does mean, however, that the higher quantity of incoming information requires a mind capable of handling it. Those of above average intelligence are thought to be capable of processing this stream effectively, enabling their creativity and increasing their awareness of their surroundings.[12] Those with average and, less than average intelligence, on the other hand, are less able to cope and as a result are more likely to suffer from mental illness and sensory overload.[13] It is hypothesized that a low level of latent inhibition can cause either psychosis or a high level of creative achievement[14] or both, which is usually dependent on the individual's intelligence.[15] When they cannot develop the creative ideas, they become frustrated and/or depressive.